Boekuittreksel van Karen Bishops boek: Crossing Over, Arriving in a New Dimension

From: Crossing Over

Arriving In a New Dimension

“The first phase of our journey was all about bringing up the

vibration of the planet, by transmuting the denser energies through

ourselves, attempting to bring in new and higher vibrating ways and

systems, healing and assisting others in bringing up their

vibrations, and basically, moving and shaking the energy on the

planet as much as possible.

Much of the time, whether we realized it or not, these tasks were

performed simply through our presence alone, and no intent was even

necessary. This is why so many of us relocated so many times to

different geographical locations, and found ourselves with

individuals, systems, and other varying scenarios that vibrated

much lower than we did. Our own personal energy and vibration was

needed in order to assist with this massive undertaking.

These times and these roles, then, are now complete and forever

gone. In this way, much has changed and really, things will now be

quite different.

We have finally and completely left the old reality behind, along with

our prior purpose, and now find ourselves perhaps wondering

what in the world will happen next, what our new roles are all about,

and even confused about what we want to create for ourselves;

or maybe even very excited about our very new lives!


Before we can create anything in the new world, we vitally need to

complete a very first step before anything can even manifest for

  1. This first step involves becoming very clear about who we are,

what we are here to contribute, and what it is that we really and

truly desire for ourselves.


It is vitally important then, to really know who we are and what

our purpose is, because we will utilize our soul purpose to create

our store-fronts, as well as to determine how we will fit into the

new communities of higher living and being.


In addition, we can certainly create whatever we choose, and it

does not necessarily need to fit into the model of the new

communities and into the model of our store-fronts. When the line

was drawn in the sand, we were given choices; choices about

integrating back into the mainstream, moving forward in alignment

with our soul purpose and plan, or even leaving altogether through

the physical death process.


In addition, with the advent of the big explosion that the solstice

of June 2009 created, each and every one of us was thrown out of

our old grooves, landing in very new territory, with very different

connections to those around us. There was then much more space in

between our brothers and sisters, and connecting then, related to

who was at our specific vibrational level and purpose. For some of

us, there was really no one then around us that felt right or in

alignment with where we were (notably, the forerunners), and for

others, a new space was created with much company and much of the

same in regard to what we had been doing in the past.


What feels right and looks right may vary for each and every one of

  1. How do we know and identify then, what it is that we really and

truly desire?


In times past, we were strongly guided by source, our star families

of origin, and the universe. At times along the way, we may have

thought that we really and truly wanted something, and found to our

dismay, that what we wanted simply could not and would not manifest

for us. There are several reasons for this scenario, and when you

understand why, it all makes sense:


  1. The group energy, or one mind of all of us who created and who

are experiencing the ascension process, made a plan, and thus,

needed and agreed to follow this plan each step of the way. As

things progressed (and notably, at times, did not progress), we

tweaked and molded the plan according to the situations then

present, so in this way, although there has always been a general

plan, the path there was always open to change and flexibility. As

mentioned so many times in this e-book, things did not progress as

we had hoped, and if even at all, extremely slowly. So then, we

pulled out all the stops, placing ourselves in every situation we

could, in order to ensure the success of our plan. This was our

main goal during this first phase; our goal was not to manifest for

ourselves, all of our heart’s desires, as it was not yet time for

this particular phase. We were dedicated to our purpose then, and I

believe that most of us gave it our all. In this way, whenever we

may have felt that it was time to manifest a community, or a

beautiful sacred space, or a new and special spiritual retreat, or

even much of anything for ourselves alone, we were at times unable

to do these things in the ways that we expected. Why, then, was it

so hard to manifest during these times?


  1. We were being guided and assisted by our souls and our star

families, who knew more than we did at the time. I remember a time

several years ago, when I was asked to go to a specific spot in

nature, with a massive waterfall flowing over a large mountain, in

order to connect to the special energy there and to bring it more

fully into the planet. I have never believed that we were meant to

be ordered around against our will for these strange duties, so I

declined. Later that day, my grandchildren and I were trying to

decide where to go for a day in nature. Oddly enough, we ended up

right at that particular spot anyway! Bringing in and assisting

with the energies in order to raise the vibration of the planet,

was our sole (soul) purpose during this first phase, seemingly

whether we liked it or not! In this way, many of us ended up in

places and situations we may not have chosen by our conscious



  1. We could not manifest at times, because we would soon rapidly

evolve out of our current desires, and would then have to back out

or re-do or un-do what we had just manifested. This is one of the

main reasons that we were blocked at times. Also, manifesting

strictly for ourselves alone, without regard to the whole, was not

in alignment with our purpose during the first phase, but that

situation has now changed to a degree. This will be more fully

explained further on in this e-book.


  1. We could not manifest at times, because it simply was not yet

time. The vision that many of us have held, in regard to creating

the original blueprint for the earth, as this is really what some

of us came to do, was simply not ready to be hatched until we

reached a certain frequency within ourselves and within the planet.

Many tried to create specific things, but they frequently fell

apart, disbanded, or could never get off the ground at all. It was

simply not yet time, as we were still involved with the first

phase. And even though many of us were quite ready within

ourselves, we still needed to wait for the critical mass situation

to be complete before we could be released, in order to then move

into something very new; alas, our very new roles, or for some,

their own version of heaven on earth.


These are but a few of the reasons that we have been held back for

so long. And these are reasons as well, that common manifesting

techniques and manifesting knowledge simply would not work as they

should have in certain situations. The soul always pulls rank on

the law of attraction, for instance, as soul level anything

vibrates the highest. Our souls and soul plans always run the



meer van Karen Bishop : post/energie berichten van 2012